Official State of Rhode Island website

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WIC - Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Education Program


To safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk.

What we do

  • Assess the nutritional status of our participants.
  • Assist in purchasing healthy foods based on clients' nutritional needs.
  • Educate mothers and families on health eating, and referrals to healthcare.
  • Expand the use of fruit and vegetable vouchers to allow their use at WIC approved Farmer's Markets statewide.
  • Offer referrals to needed medical and social services in the community.
  • Support breastfeeding participants with medical necessity, or upon returning to work or school, by providing free hospital-grade, electric breast pumps.


WIC benefits provide you and your child with one-on-one nutrition counseling, referrals with services you may need, and a food prescription to meet your needs, and your child's specific needs.

WIC local agencies provide farmer's market checks to qualifying clients to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at local WIC approved farmers markets.



Forms, Agreement

Promotional Materials, Wallet Cards

Plans (Strategic, Action, State), Strategic

Plans (Strategic, Action, State), State

Instructions, Manuals, Procedures

Policy, Protocols, Requirements

External Resources