WIC Shopper App
Rhode Island WIC is now using the WIC Shopper App, a free and ad-free app that can provide you with:
- Locations of WIC vendors, including listing those closest to you
- Locations of WIC offices
- The WIC food guide, showing all WIC approved foods
- A bar code scanning tool, which will allow you to check whether a food item is on the approve product list. When using this tool, keep in mind that it will show which items are on the approved food list, even if those items are not on your particular food prescription. It’s best to use the scanning tool alongside your own shopping list.
- Other tools, such as easy and healthy recipes you can make with WIC foods, and a tool to request the addition of specific food items to our WIC approved list.

For any questions about the app, contact your local WIC office or call the Health Information Line at (401) 222-5960