Official State of Rhode Island website

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Information For WIC Participants

En Español

WIC benefits help to provide healthy pregnancies, healthy growth and development for women and children up to the age of five years old.

What you should do

  • Use your WIC Approved Food Guide (en espanol) when shopping to help you choose WIC-approved foods.
  • Use your WIC benefits at one of the state-wide approved WIC Vendors. You can also use the WIC Shopper app to find the nearest WIC vendors and clinics.
  • If you miss or need an appointment, or have a question, call your local WIC Office (hours of operation varies per agency) or call the RIDOH Information Line (401) 222-5960.

To make shopping with WIC easier, learn more about Rhode Island WIC's new shopper app.

WIC Collaboration Videos & Recipes (Download here all recipes)

Avocado Toast

Jeanette Nessett, RDN, LDN March 3, 2021

Read the recipe card here.

Spicy Tuna Wraps

Jeanette Nessett, RDN, LDN March 5, 2021

Read the recipe card here.

Honey Oat Parfait

Jeanette Nessett, RDN, LDN March 5, 2021

Read the recipe card here.
Note: Honey is not recommended for children under the age of 2.

Stuffed Peppers with Bean Salad

Jeanette Nessett, RDN, LDN March 5, 2021

Read the recipe card here.