Official State of Rhode Island website

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Sexual Health Information For Healthcare Professionals



For any patient with a sexually transmitted disease, submit a confidential report form within four days of diagnosis or as soon as treatment is prescribed.

Use the Adult HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report Form to report HIV infection and AIDS disease.

Sexual Violence

Guidelines developed by Futures without Violence in partnership with the California Family Health Council discuss of the magnitude of intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion; the health impact; guidelines for implementing routine assessment and intervention; and policy implications and system responses. They also provide validated assessment tools.

Counseling, Testing, and Referral

Confidential Family Planning Services

Title X guidelines require designated Family Planning Agencies to provide confidential family planning services to adults and adolescents. Adolescents can access services without consent or notification of parents/guardians. They are counseled to involve family members in their decision to seek services and to resist attempts of sexual coercion. Uninsured and confidential clients are charged on a sliding fee scale based on income. find agencies


US Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 2010 provides evidence-based guidance on the safety of contraceptive method use for women and men who have specific characteristics and medical conditions. 


Guidance is available for all healthcare providers on HIV CTR services, case reporting, training and capacity building, and bloodborne pathogens. 

Pap Screening

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that women have their first Pap test at age 21. This recommendation differs from previous guidelines which recommended that women have their first Pap test 3 years after they begin having sexual intercourse. Click here for more healthcare professional information.

Preconception Care

CDC has recommendations for preconception health that reflect scientific evidence and programmatic experience and are designed to achieve optimal health outcomes for all women and families. 


If you are a Title X site, the federal Title X Family Planning Program requires you to provide pregnancy diagnosis and counseling to all clients in need of this service. Refer clients with a positive pregnancy test result who elect to continue the pregnancy for early initiation of prenatal care. Click here to learn more about Rhode Island's Family Planning Program.

HPV Vaccination

HPV vaccine is recommended for both boys and girls. High schoolers can get this vaccine through the state's Vaccinate Before You Graduate Program.