If you live in a home with drinking water from a private well, it’s important to know how to keep your well and well water safe. Homeowners are completely responsible for all testing and maintenance of their well, so private well owners must keep their water safe from contaminants. You can keep your well water safe by regularly testing the water, treating the water properly, and maintaining the well and area around it.
If you are new to owning a well, read RIDOH's Smart Well Owner Guide to Private Wells. This Guide includes information about different types of wells, water testing, and how to take care of the well. You can also sign up for free well workshops held in different towns around the state.
Private Well Topics
- Testing Private Wells for PFAS;
- Test your well water regularly; Learn about how to test your water, what to test for, and how often to test. You cannot see, smell, or taste most bacteria or chemicals that could be in your well water.
- Perform proper filtration and treatment of your private well; Resources for learning about different types of treatment and how to choose the right system.
- Well Care, Repairs, and Construction; Advice on maintaining a well or hiring a well professional, as well as links to rules and regulations.
- Keep Your Well Water Safe in an Emergency; A guide and a handy poster that helps you to see at a glance what to do in the event of disasters such as blizzards, floods, and fires are now available. Hard copies can be picked up at our office.
For questions about your plumbing or existing treatment, it’s best to contact your contractor or treatment company. For any other questions, feel free to contact the Private Wells Program.