Water Fluoridation
Fluoride has made teeth stronger in Rhode Island for 70 years!
In many communities across the state, tap water is boosted with cavity-fighting power.
Does your drinking water fight cavities? Look up the fluoridation status of your community by checking out this map or go to the CDC site, My Water’s Fluoride.

Fluoride is a natural compound that contains fluorine. It occurs naturally in water, though rarely at the optimal level to protect teeth. MORE
Community Water Fluoridation
General Information MORE
- Fluoride added to community drinking water (at a concentration of 0.7 parts per million) has been shown to be a safe, inexpensive, and extremely effective method of preventing tooth decay. MORE
- Community water fluoridation has been around for more than 60 years and has helped millions of people fight tooth decay. Because of its safety, effectiveness, and low cost, fluoride was named one of the top 10 great public health interventions by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). MORE
- In Rhode Island, approximately 80% of the population on public water receives fluoridated water. Find out if your water supplier provides fluoridated water.
- Community water fluoridation benefits everyone in the community, regardless of age and socioeconomic status. MORE
- Community water fluoridation provides protection against tooth decay in populations with limited access to prevention services.
- For every dollar spent on community water fluoridation, up to $38 is saved in treatment costs for tooth decay. MORE
- Rhode Island’s public water systems perform rigorous and frequent testing to allow tap water to meet the high standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act. If you want to learn more you can view your system’s Consumer Confidence Report or search on the EPA Website.
- Continued research has confirmed the safety of fluoridated water as an effective public health practice. The Rhode Island Department of Health has developed a document on the safety and effectiveness of community water. MORE
- Community Water Fluoridation is recognized as a beneficial public health practice by the Centers for Disease Control and American Dental Association along with over 100 national and international organizations. MORE
- Anti-fluoride groups often circulate various claims that are false, unproven or misleading. MORE
For Water Operators
- Water operators are partners in oral health as they play a critical role in safe and effective community water fluoridation. MORE
- The CDC provides a free training course through Fluoridation Learning Online (FLO). Contact the Oral Health Program for assistance obtaining continuing education credits.
Other Source of Drinking Water
Private wells
Well water may have naturally occurring fluoride and should be tested for fluoride content to determine if fluoride supplements should be prescribed by the child’s physician or dentist. Fluoride testing must be conducted at a state-certified laboratory. MORE
Bottled water
Although most bottled water contains very low levels of fluoride, it is important to note that some brands may contain optimal or higher levels. Water labeled as purified, distilled, deionized, demineralized, or produced through reverse osmosis are always low in fluoride. Because there currently is no requirement to display the fluoride levels on bottle labels, you may want to consult an oral health professional to determine if you or your family need fluoride supplements to prevent tooth decay.
- Flouridation - One of 10 Ways We Beat Disease
- American Fluoridation Society
- Centers for Disease Control
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Dental Association
- Children’s Dental Health Project
Fluoridation Map
Click on this map to see areas with community water fluoridation.