Abrine and Ricinine in Urine
Clinical Specimen Submission Guidance
Submit all specimens to 50 Orms St, Providence RI 02904. Open Monday to Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Chemical Threats Laboratory (401) 222-5606
Abrine and Ricinine in Urine
Abrine and Ricinine Poisoning
Urine is analyzed by LC/MS/MS.
IMMEDIATELY notify the RISHL Chemical Threats Laboratory at (401) 222-5606 for a potential agent of Chemical Terrorism.
PREAUTHORIZATION is required prior to transporting specimens.
Collect urine in sterile cups within 48 hours. Optimal volume 4-7 mL, minimum volume 2 mL.
Freeze at -20°C ± 5° until transport to RISHL.
CLIA regulations require two patient identifiers on the specimen and the test requisition
Rhode Island State Health Laboratories (RISHL) test requisition form https://health.ri.gov/forms/LabRequisitionForm.pdf with appropriate Chemical Threats sticker attached.
Write "AbRc" under Comments/Other test requests
PREAUTHORIZATION is required prior to transporting specimens.
All specimens must be transported on dry ice and packaged in accordance with current federal shipping regulations.
None detected
Providers must report patient information on Abrine and Ricinine Poisoning immediately using the RIDOH reportable disease form.