- The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) SOGI Equity Work Group works to improve LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Two-Spirit, Queer, Questioning, and related) public health policies, systems, and environmental change
- LGBTQ+ individuals often face healthcare challenges, including identifying and accessing providers knowledgeable about their health risks and behaviors and who provide culturally affirming care
- Intersectionality: While sexual orientation and gender identity (SO/GI) are important parts of a person’s identity, there are often other demographic factors influencing access to care
What we do
- Promote SOGI Equity and inclusion throughout RIDOH’s programs and services
- Identify and analyze proposed policy initiatives impacting LGBTQ+ Rhode Islanders
- Advise RIDOH’s leadership and program staff on LGBTQ+ public health matters
- Advocate for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ data collection to improve surveillance of strengths and barriers impacting health equity
- Collaborate with community partners to identify policy, systems, and environmental change initiatives to improve health equity
- Organize RIDOH’s participation in the annual Rhode Island Trans Health Conference, Rhode Island PrideFest, and Illuminated Night Parade and in other LGBTQ+ community events

To learn more about RIDOH programs and RIDOH services, please visit health.ri.gov.
You can find more LGBTQ+ community resources at Your Guide to Safer Sex: Your Health, Your Choice: Know Your Options page and the SOGI Equity: Partners and Additional Resources page.