Commission for Health Advocacy & Equity
The Rhode Island Commission for Health Advocacy and Equity (CHAE) is a State commission introduced and written into legislation in 2011 (RIGL §23-64.1) with support from current and former legislators
- To advocate for the integration of activities that will help achieve health equity;
- To advise the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) on racial, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic health disparities;
- To develop and coordinate the expertise and experience of the state’s health and human services, housing, transportation, education, environment, community development, and labor systems to develop a comprehensive health equity plan that addresses the social determinants of health;
- To develop health equity goals and plans in alignment with other statewide planning activities; and
- To educate State agencies on health disparities.
Official Commission Information more
Commission Members Biographies
Interested in applying for a commissioner role on the CHAE? Please complete the Expression of Interest Form.
2020 Rhode Island Commission for Health Advocacy and Equity Legislative Report
This report provides data related to these measures to help educate the Rhode Island General Assembly, State agencies, and partner organizations on health inequities in Rhode Island. Download Here.
2017 Rhode Island Commission for Health Advocacy and Equity Legislative Report
The Rhode Island Commission for Health Advocacy and Equity (CHAE) issued a comprehensive Legislative 2017 report to highlight preventable health inequalities in Rhode Island. Download Here.
2022 Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Security in Rhode Island Communities
This brief aims to highlight how Rhode Islanders have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic by focusing specifically on food security and the State’s response to emerging food access challenges. The report will highlight specific needs and recommendations to better inform recovery efforts and planning for future health emergencies. Download Here.
2024 Addendum: 2022 Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Security in Rhode Island Communities
This addendum updates the brief to the most current data and information, while also utilizing the same reference sources, as the 2022 brief reflected a point in time analysis. Download Here.