RIDOH has made every effort to establish a comprehensive, user-friendly list to assist Rhode Islanders to identify appropriate alternatives to Emergency Departments for non-emergent medical issues. If you are a Community Health Center, Urgent Care, or Walk-in Care facility and believe your facility should be included in this list, please contact DOH.website@health.ri.gov.
Information for Rhode Islanders without Insurance
If you do not qualify for Medicaid or coverage through HealthSource RI, there are several places to go for health care. These places provide care regardless of a person’s immigration status, although they may ask about your status to help determine whether you may be eligible for coverage. Providers must keep this information confidential.
- Community Health Centers: Call 401-274-1771 (rihca.org) to find a health center near you (for adults and children).
- Rhode Island Free Clinic: Call for an eligibility appointment: 401-274-6374 (for adults only).
- Clinica Esperanza-Hope Clinic: Call 401-347-9093 (for adults only).
If you need care at a hospital, ask about the hospital ‘charity care’ program. The hospital may cover all or part of your bill if you are unable to pay. The hospital must post its charity care eligibility rules and how to apply. Ask the business office of the hospital for an application. Charity care is available regardless of immigration status.
If you need to have emergency services at a hospital, and you are not eligible to enroll in Medicaid just because of your immigration status, you may be eligible to have Medicaid pay the hospital bills. The hospital helps you fill out the application.