Official State of Rhode Island website

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Resources and Support for CCR Grant-Funded Partners


All grant-funded community partner contract administrators and key contacts should receive direct email updates and meeting invitations from the RIDOH CHW Program Administrator. For questions or support, send an email to the Program Administrator, or call 401-222-5960 during regular office hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday). Grant-funded partners may also attend any regularly scheduled Office Hours to receive ongoing Technical Assistance from RIDOH.

In 2023, RIDOH and the statewide CHW Strategy Team worked in partnership with WE in the World, CHWs, allies, and partners to develop and co-design Rhode Island’s first CHW Roadmap to elevate and support the profession in Rhode Island. All grant-funded partners are encouraged to read and refer to, “Charting a Roadmap for Community Health Workers in Rhode Island.”

More documents and resources in support of this grant may be downloaded any time from the RIDOH CHW Program’s Publications and Resources web page. Items include RIDOH Invoicing templates, fact sheets, reports, reference materials, and other printable resources for CHWs, providers, communities, consumers, and others. New resources will continue to be added on an ongoing basis.

More RIDOH materials and resources to support Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards and guidelines within your organization and your community may be found here.


  • To access the latest web-based information and resources for Rhode Island go to
  • To receive emailed alerts, advisories, and other timely announcements about COVID-19 directly to your email, sign up for RIDOH COVID-19 Partner emails.
  • To find specific printable materials go to the RIDOH COVID-19 Library.


Community Health Worker Association of Rhode Island (CHWARI)

All community partners and CHWs-in-training should sign up to receive regular email updates and training resources from the CHWARI. This organization serves as a centralized hub and local partner for accessing trainings, certification guidance, networking, professional development, sharing resources, and more.

In addition to grant-funded trainings, CHWARI also posts news, opportunities, and information that may benefit all statewide CHWs, potential employers, and partner agencies.  View CHWARI’s Calendar of Trainings and Events on their website.

Envision CHWs National Technical Assistance and Training Center

All grant recipients should also sign up to receive Envision emails directly. Developed for CHWs by CHWs, Envision provides national monthly trainings to support CHWs and offers CHW resources for grant recipients to use in their local work plans. Envision’s evidence-based national resources and trainings are also regularly highlighted in e-newsletters by CHWARI and RIDOH!

Envision is a collaboration of CHWs and allied partners who work together with financial and administrative support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to elevate the role of CHWs nationwide. As CDC grant-funded partners, Envision also supports Rhode Island’s CHW partnerships under the federal COVID Response and Resilient Communities (CCR) grant. 

Note: Envision’s emails may land in your email’s SPAM, Junk, or Clutter folders. Be sure to add Envision to your email’s “safe sender” list and check those filtered folders regularly.

Register for all Envision trainings or access past webinars and resource folders any time. Free CHW Professional Networking Service Open to All

Join and encourage more CHWs, advocates, and allies to sign up!

  • This is a BRAND NEW online CHW professional networking site that promotes peer-to-peer support nationwide and statewide.
  • This free service is open to all CHWs, allied partners, and advocates and may be utilized to promote local events and resources instantly and in real time.
  • All grant recipients are encouraged to sign up and to share this free service with all CHW contacts and advocates in their networks. (Note: CCR grant funding support is not required to participate.)
  • Users can build a social networking profile, promote local events, share resources and support, chat, connect, share employment opportunities, and more.

All Envision trainings and services are FREE of charge for all to access and utilize. Your local resources may also be submitted to Envision to help supports CHWs nationwide.

Care Transformation Colaborative of RI (CTC-RI)

As a close training and facilitation partner to RIDOH and other State agencies, the Care Transformation Collaborative of RI (CTC-RI) has assisted with supporting and developing the CHW workforce. Support and resources for CTC-RI activities may be found accordingly:

In 2021, the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) in collaboration with the Rhode Island Department of Health and Rhode Island-Medicaid, launched Rhode to Equity (R2E) to enhance clinical-community linkages to meet population health goals. Based on an application process, six teams led by Health Equity Zone (HEZ) backbone agencies were selected to receive customized technical assistance from national health equity content experts and evidence-based population health tools.

In collaboration with CTC-RI, selected teams participate in a learning and action collaborative. Team members engage with peers in learning sessions. Team partners represent HEZ backbone agencies, Accountable Entity Leadership, Primary Care Local Clinic, Community Health Teams, Community Based Organization and Person with Lived Experience). Current HEZ communities include: Central Providence HEZ; East Providence HEZ; Pawtucket/Central Falls HEZ; Washington County HEZ; 02907 HEZ; and Woonsocket HEZ.

For more information, resources, and access to past recorded R2E meetings and webinars, visit the CTC-RI website.

In recent years, MLPB (formerly known as Medical-Legal Partnership | Boston) has provided legal expertise and consultation to the Community Health Teams on a variety of complex social needs (e.g., immigration, housing, utility shutoff, guardianship). The partnership between CTC-RI and MLPB offers legal education and problem-solving skills to the community health workforce. MLPB leads trainings and workshops throughout the year. Access MLPB trainings here.

Pathways to Population Health provides numerous resources to support public health efforts that work to advance population health and health equity. Many tools and resources related to Social Determinants of Health may be accessed in Pathways to Population Health’s online database.

RI Parent Information Network (RIPIN)

As a 501(c)(3), charitable nonprofit organization, the RI Parent Information Network (RIPIN) is the largest employer of CHWs in Rhode Island and consults with RIDOH’s CHW Program on the development and support of the CHW workforce. RIPIN also provides communities with current information, education, training, and support for person- and family-centered care and systems change. Peer professionals provide interactive workshops and trainings, community information sessions, and more.
Community partners may also visit the RIPIN website to learn about networking eventsworkshops, and resources that can assist their CHWs and communities, or to request other support for your organization.

Alliance for CHW Employers

The Alliance for Community Health Worker (CHW) Employers aligned with the RIDOH-CCR efforts to integrate CHWs into organizations/care teams to support the public health response to COVID-19 among priority populations. The Alliance is built on the expertise of current CHW employers and other experts in the field. The Alliance will support other organizations employing CHWs by providing them with the necessary tools to ensure the infrastructure required to promote success and sustainability for this critical workforce.  

Stay Up to Date on Grant Activities, Announcements, and Other Events