The health of our communities contributes to our health. Healthy communities have affordable access to:
- Air, water, and land that is clean and safe;
- Healthy housing;
- Locally grown food, fresh produce, and healthy food;
- Transportation options including: buses, well-maintained sidewalks, and bike paths;
- Healthcare facilities that the meet local needs;
- Quality childcare;
- Schools that promote health, and well-being;
- Parks, open spaces, and atheletic facilities;
- Recreational, cultural, and artistic opportunities;
- Restrictions on the sale of alcohol, and tobacco;
- Peaceful streets without violence;
- Ability to respond to emergencies;
- Safe work places;
- A fair, open community planning process.
What you can do
- Assess your community's health;
- Engage stakeholders to promote health equity among all our communities.