Official State of Rhode Island website

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Asbestos Control Program


To protect the Rhode Island public from exposures to carcinogenic airborne asbestos.

What we do

  • Develop procedures to ensure that abatement activities are performed in a safe manner.
  • Prioritize school inspections located in Environmental Justice Areas as defined by Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Identify and abate asbestos hazards in schools and other regulated buildings.
  • Certify and license of asbestos training courses, analytical labs, consultants and competent persons, abatement contractors, asbestos abatement contractors, site supervisors, and asbestos workers.
  • Conduct audits of certified training providers.
  • Perform technical review of asbestos abatement/management plans.
  • Conduct outreach activities.
  • Oversee asbestos abatement planning.


Bonnie Cassani-Brandt
