Official State of Rhode Island website

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Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL)


To advance health equity for healthy eating and active living by collaboratively working with partners to improve policy, system, and environmental changes.

What we do

  • Seek to promote nourishing food and active living as culturally appealing, accessible, and affordable to all Rhode Islanders;
  • Implement priority areas included in the 2023-2028 HEAL Strategic Plan, such as
    • Access to affordable nourishing food;
    • Access to safe spaces for play and physical activity;
    • Infant, children, and youth nutrition and physical activity;
    • Expansion of Statewide System Coordination;
  • Partner with active transportation experts and partners on the establishment of Complete Streets communities across Rhode Island;
  • Support State Director of Food Strategy on implementation of the state’s food strategy, Relish Rhody; and
  • Co-lead the statewide ‘Hunger Elimination Task Force’ with Director of Food Strategy and RI Food Policy Council



Plans (Strategic, Action, State), State