Contact Us
Call Us, Health Information Line, 401-222-5960
- Animal Bites 401-222-2577
- Analytical Laboratory Certification 401-222-5578
- Assisted Living 401-222-2566
- Autopsy Reports 401-222-5500
- Birth Certificates 401-222-2812
- Certificate of Need 401-222-2788
- Complaint Unit 401-222-5960, 401-222-5200
- Data/Health Analysis 401-222-2550
- Death Certificates 401-222-2812
- Death Investigators 401-222-2948 (hotline to report deaths 24/7)
- Diseases, Communicable 401-222-2577
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 401-222-4927
- Food Manager Certification 401-222-2749
- Food Protection 401-222-2749
- Food Stamps 1-855-697-4347 (Jewish Collaborative Service) 401-415-8200
- Health Professional Licensing 401-222-5960
- Health Promotion and Wellness 401-222-3293
- Hearing/Speech Impaired (TTY) 1-800-745-5555
- Hepatitis Viral 401-222-2577
- Home Visiting 401-222-5946
- Infectious Diseases 401-222-2577
- Injury and Violence 401-222-7627
- Immunizations 401-222-5921
- Laboratory 401-222-5600
- Marriage Records 401-222-2812
- Media Inquiries 401-222-3998
- Medical Examiner's Office 401-222-5500
- Nursing Homes 401-222-2566
- Private Drinking Water Well Program 401-222-6867
- Rabies 401-222-2577
- Restaurant Inspections/Complaints 401-222-2749
- Serve Safe (Food Manager Certification) 401-222-2749
- Telephone Survey Inquiry 401-222-2550
- Tobacco Control and Cessation 401-222-3293
- Travel Clinic (out of country) 401-793-2500
- Tuberculosis 401-222-2577
- Water (drinking, bottled, pools) 401-222-6867
- WIC (Women Infants Children) 401-222-5960
- Women's Cancer Screening 401-222-4324
- Worksite Safety & Health Issues 401-222-7745
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Parking restrictions before 3:00 pm
Please be advised that the parking availability at Department of Health is limited. Before 3:00 pm, visitors are asked to park at the metered spaces close to the building or on the sides or rear of the Chapin Building at 50 Orms St. Parking lots are open to visitors after 3:00 pm Monday through Friday.