State of Rhode Island
Department of Health
Due to problems with underreporting, sexual violence is one of the most difficult crimes to capture. An additional problem with sexual violence data is due to differences in language and definitions of the words “rape”, “sexual assault”, “sexual abuse”, and “sexual violence”. As a general rule, rape refers to any unwanted or forced penetration, while sexual assault refers to any unwanted or forced sexual touching (with or without penetration). Sexual violence and sexual abuse are umbrella terms and may encompass a range of behaviors from unwanted sexual language, text messages, or jokes (often referred to as sexual harassment) to attempted or completed rape. All of the behaviors along the continuum of sexual violence can lead to harmful physical, mental, and emotional health outcomes for victims.
We partner with Day One, the Sexual Assault & Trauma Resource Center through the CDC’s Rape Prevention Education grant to provide rape prevention education in Rhode Island schools through initiatives such as the Your Voice. Your View media contest. Your Voice. Your View asks high school students across the state to create anti-sexual violence public service announcements. Participating schools receive workshops on sexual violence prevention (including topics such as sexual harassment, consent, gender stereotypes, media literacy, and bystander intervention), and students create scripts for public service announcements to change peers attitudes and social norms about sexual violence and encouraging them to help prevent it from happening through their respectful words and behavior. Winning ads professionally filmed and aired on local television stations throughout April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month.