Official State of Rhode Island website

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Controlled Substances Identification and Testing


To help enforce illegal drug laws in Rhode Island by examining evidence confiscated in drug-related crimes for the presence of controlled substances.

What we do

  • Perform laboratory identifications of chemical substances in evidence submitted by police departments.
  • Confirm illegal drug usage and drug trafficking.
  • Support federal, state, and local law enforcement in the investigation and prosecution of narcotics crimes.
  • Identify trends in drug usage and emerging threats to public health.
  • Assist federal and state law enforcement agencies in the investigation of local clandestine drug laboratories.


  • In 2020, 4,472 individual drug items were tested in 2,027 cases. Of note is the 37% increase in Methamphetamine identifications and increasing numbers of counterfeit pill seizures. New drug identifications include: Ethylone
