The mission of the tracking program is to translate environmental and public health data into meaningful information and increased knowledge and apply that knowledge to improve community health. The Rhode Island Environmental Public Health Tracking Program is part of a nation-wide network that provides information that allows people to understand and take action to prevent and control environmental hazards and related health effects. The tracking network is crucial to providing insight into the role the environment plays in human development, detecting unusual trends in health and exposure to hazards, identifying populations at risk, facilitating policy development, and guiding public health actions.

What we do
- Empower environmental and public health practitioners, healthcare providers, community members, policymakers, and others to make information-driven decisions that help protect community health.
- Provide information and data about environmental hazards and the health problems that may be related to them through a web portal and searchable database.
- Standardize data that usually would be kept by different agencies in different formats in one easy-to-use website, allowing us to see how our health and the environment are related.
- Identify people vulnerable to a health problem that can get worse from exposure to environmental hazards.