Official State of Rhode Island website

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Diabetes and Cardiovascular Health Program


To prevent and reduce death and disability due to diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

What we do

  • Envision a healthcare system where providers are connected to the communities that they serve and community residents are then better connected to the providers within their own neighborhoods.
  • Implement and promote evidence-based chronic disease self-management education programs.
  • Build community-clinical linkages and health system interventions with a focus on Health Equity Zone (HEZ) communities to eliminate health disparities.
  • Provide quality improvement training, data, tools, and individualized technical assistance; and funding.
  • Manage specific initiatives to facilitate quality improvement changes in healthcare systems, scale evidence based wellness programs in the community, support Community Health Workers to connect clinical and community resources, and streamlines efforts by connecting partners to share best practices and lessons learned.


This 4-month program helps people learn how to accurately take their blood pressure at home.

A RIDOH service part of Community Health Network that provides helps you achieve your healthier lifestyle goals.



External Resources